Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Links to Make You Smile

1) Some music by She & Him to get you in the holiday spirit!

2) One of my dear friends just got me this evil eye bracelet (in lighter blue) for my birthday... is that not the sweetest thing? You wear the bracelet until it breaks, and it's meant to purge all bad spirits and bring you hope.

3) A lovely hairstyle to try out at a party this season.

4) Poe-ka dots! How hilarious is this? I'm always up for polka dots + Edgar Allan Poe! One of my friends and I have been obsessed with him since 5th grade for some reason. Maybe it stems from the Gilmore episode A Tale of Poes and Fire...

5) Is this not the funniest holiday webcam ever? Christmas Cats TV sure beats the yule log!

6) The cutest 46 seconds of Love Actually

7) ...and the entire movie in turtlenecks (so so funny!)

8) 2013 in "boops" (aka, some really cute pictures of animals).

9) There's one more week until Christmas and one more week for the Better Sweaterer contest from Classy Girls Wear Pearls! Enter now!

10) There's also one week until the Doctor Who Christmas special... I'm so so excited but also so sad to see Matt Smith leave!

For those of you, like me, who are drudging through the next two days before winter break.... I wish you luck! You have made it so far! It's almost time to relax!


Saturday, December 14, 2013


I seriously cannot believe that tomorrow I will be seventeen. 
Obviously when put into perspective, 17 doesn't seem like such a big deal.
But when I think back on how old 17 used to seem to When I was 10, Lizzie McGuire seemed like a grown up...17 must be middle-aged!

Aside from all weird pondering about aging, I am quite excited for this birthday. Last year, I was sick for the month before and after my birthday, so I never got a chance to really enjoy it! I plan on savoring every minute of my birthday experience :) Some family members nearby are stopping by for a mini celebration tomorrow, and I'm going to visit the other half of my family in about a week for another get together! And a trip to Alice's is on the agenda soon, too...

Wish me luck on my driver's test on Monday... I'll need it!

Stay tuned for more celebration details! :)


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Holiday Wish List

Throughout the year, I keep a "wish list" Pinterest board, otherwise when December comes I usually have no idea what I would like to ask for during the holiday season (and by holiday I mean Christmas and my birthday which is ten days before:)
However, it tends to become a jumble of clothes I saw online and wanted to keep track of, and not really good or thoughtful gifts. So here is my new and improved wintery wish list!

Wardrobe: J.Crew skirt // Bean Boots // KJP Scallop Oxford
A cute skirt and shirt and some boots to keep me warm!

Accessory: Phone case // Print // Polaroid
A new phone case, room decor, and fun camera!

Experience: Once // Travel // Alice's Tea Cup
A (second) experience of the best musical ever, hopefully a trip to England this summer and I'm definitely going to France in March (!!!), and the continuation of a sweet birthday tradition: brunch at Alice's!
